Tightrope: How to master the work-life balance conundrum

Tightrope: How to master the work-life balance conundrum

If you’ve been working from home for the last year, you’re probably struggling to balance your time between work and play. Focusing and relaxing your mind, body and soul has never been more vital than it is now. So, here are some of the best ways to balance the tightrope between career time and me time.

Take time for your mind

Tired after a long run? Your mind is no different after a long day working on your laptop. Taking some time to focus on your mental health will massively benefit you and others around you. To get some sunshine in your mind, we’d suggest setting aside ten minutes of the day for your regular dose of meditation. Satisfying you with a relaxing floating feeling and comfy fabrics, a Hangout Pod is perfect for those deep and insightful meditation sessions that help your mind drift away from work. 

Perfect your space

Whether you spend a lot of time in your garden or your living room, the space you come back to after a day at the office should make you feel super comfortable. Relaxing chairs and Hangout Pods can transform both indoor and outdoor spaces, ensuring your time spent away from work is as enjoyable as possible. On the other hand, if your home space is feeling cluttered, a clear-out of useless junk will help freshen up your mind too.

Find a job you love

If you’re stuck in a job you hate - it’s time to whip the résumé out. We know it’s not as easy as that, but finding a job more suitable for you could totally transform your work-life balance. Is your boss always phoning you at ungodly hours? Do you find yourself uninterested in the work you’re doing? It’s time to shake things up! A healthier job means the time you spend away from work will be far more pleasant.

Unplug for the weekend

Digital detoxes are so underrated. Switching off your phone and going MIA for a few days every month will help you disconnect from your work life and focus your mind on what really matters. On your email-free weekend, we’d recommend reconnecting with your friends, family and nature by spending some time out in the wild. If you’re driving to a camping site, a Hangout Pod with a mosquito net is ideal for those deep, meaningful fireside chats. However you decide to spend your weekend, unplug your phone and laptop for a blissful retreat from work. 

A perfect work-life balance doesn’t only improve your own wellbeing, it will inevitably lead to a more productive and enjoyable time at work. If you’re finding yourself getting overwhelmed, it’s time to prioritise yourself.